Tim and I are enjoying a long weekend with an extra day off today. We made the drive up to NYC for the week ahead (I'll be working in the Brooklyn Etsy offices while Tim E.A.T.'s his way through the city). While we're exploring the city today, we thought we'd leave you with a little roundup of other goings-on throughout our weekend...
You may have gathered from this post that we saw our first snow of the year (and season) Thursday evening. It's always a little bit of a magical feeling when the first flakes begin to fall — it had been raining for about 4 days straight in RVA before the temperatures got low enough for snow. Tim got home from work just before the changeover to snow happened and we ended up getting about 2-3 inches in the city. We decided to take a little walk and get takeout for dinner while the snow was falling:
Here's our little snow dog:
He had cold toes but wouldn't miss out on the chance for a walk in the snow for anything. Does your dog run around and around real fast and hyped up in the snow too? Basil is so funny — he is hesitant to go out in the snow, but once he gets out in it, he likes to sniff, eat and run all around in it. Remember this video of Basil playing in the snow this time last year?
And the view from our front window just before heading up to bed that night:
Find the full recipe newly published on E.A.T. This one's a must!
Yesterday we hit the road early and headed up interstate 95 towards NYC. We did take a short detour through the Ikea in Woodbridge:
We had fun walking around and even found a few fun little things we left with — more on those once we get them back home.
Then it was back on the road to NYC. Here's the view from our room where we're staying in Brooklyn:
Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful finish to the long weekend (if you had one too) and a great week ahead.
It looks like a winter wonderland:) You guys get some wicked ice storms too right?